In 1986, commerical whaling was banned worldwide. It was thought to be one of the most monumental and iconic conservation victories of the twentith century. Since the moratorium passed, however, Japan, Iceland and Norway have still killed roughly 30,000 whales. They hide the illegality of these killings under the guise of "scientific research." The killings are brutal and unnecessary.
And now, on the 22nd of April, the International Whaling Commission has announced a draft proposal that would legalize commerical whaling for the first time in two decades. The proposal will be voted upon in June. What is even more frightening is that the U.S has voiced support for the dangerous new proposal, claiming that it has potential to rein in the annual killings currently defying the international law. Sounds likely doesn't it? May as well build a fortress out of toothpicks and masking tape. Before the illegalization of whaling, roughly 38,000 whales were killed every year, driving the species near to extinction. This bill, should it pass, would do nothing more to save the whales than to breath the life into an otherwise dying industry.
Doesn't it seem archaic? The whole thing? Doesn't it seem strange that whaling hasn't been stopped completely by now? What with the new discovery of this specie's intelligence?
In 2006, a study conducted by the New York Consortium in Evolutionary Primatology (long name) in investigating the brains of these mysterious creatures, found the presence of a spindle cell. Spindle cells, until recently, were thought to only live in humans and great apes, making it possible to experience love, attachment, self-reflection, grief. Furthermore, the cells were found in the same area of the brain (anterior cinfulate cortex and frontoinsular cortex) that regulates functions such as social organisation, empathy, speech, self-reflection. And not only that, whales may have up to three times as many of these cells as humans and have been developing them for 30 million years, nearly twice as long as humans.
It quickly becomes apparent, when you kill a whale it feels it on a physical, mental, social and emotional level. And likewise, its offspring and friends feel the loss.
This bill should not pass. It is a step in the wrong direction. I urge you to tell your friends so as to bring more awareness to this issue. Click on the link below and encourage Prez Obama to vote no on the legalization of commerical banning. Put an End to Commerical Whaling
And if you haven't heard about the Sea Shepherd Conservation, you should check them out. They sail somewhere between activism and piratism.
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