I've been thinking a lot lately about how I can get this blog going. I want to write frequently, but I want to write about travel and stories that are going to be fresh, interesting and create a ring of resonance in my readers. Although I'm not traveling around the world like I did last year, I am living in the most multicultural city in the world!
I moved to Toronto in January and a lot has happened since then. I graduated from college, I have and continue to volunteer for many different organizations and production companies, work/worked a lot of different jobs and still have found time to explore Canada's largest city. I can't say I've had much of a down time but thats whats so great about Toronto; there is just so much to do! So, although I'm not traveling from country to country I am in a very happening place and it has been quite an adventure living here. Those who are from Toronto or the surrounding are may think they know it well, but trust me I discover new places and meet very interesting characters everyday. Having said that, I will be filling you all in on the most interesting places, events and people I meet during my time in Toronto. So, stay tuned, and I hope you enjoy:)