I have abandoned this blog for the last few months, and I feel horrible about it. I am currently facing the overwhelming inner battle of "what do I want to do with my life?" It's not that I feel that I have no interests or goals, in fact, it's the very opposite. I have so many interests and things that I want to accomplish that I feel slightly overwhelmed. Actually, that is an understatement. I feel like I have been buried underneath a mass of thoughts, and no matter how much I kick and scream, I can't seem to get out! Even when I am doing things that make me happy and accomplishing goals that I have set for myself, I feel like it's not enough; that I need to move on.
But "life is about the journey, not the destination" right? I totally agree with this quote but let's face it, sometimes I feel like kicking that quote in the butt. Aside from today that is!
Today I am going to write because that's what I love to do. Today I am going to enjoy the sun, talk to a stranger, sign up for a writing course, book a trip to Costa Rica, eat chocolate, look for theater auditions and enjoy life. After all, enjoying what we do is our motivation for everything, right? So, today I will embrace the quote, and I hope you will too. As for tomorrow? Well, I'll deal with tomorrow when today becomes yesterday. But I know that the haunting question of "what do I want to do with my life" will uninvitedly return. I am a restless soul, and i accept this realization. In fact, that's why I am choosing to write this entry today. I am ready to embrace the fact that I am always going to want more. It's not always a bad thing to want to keep moving forward, but it's also not a good thing to not enjoy what you're doing while your doing it. So, even though I will always have new goals that I will strive to accomplish, I am learning to live in the moment and enjoy every little side road that's on this life journey.